Hidden Treasures ELC
“And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature and in favour with God and in favour with men”
(Luke 2:42)
Hidden Treasures Early Learning Centre is a Bible-based, Christ-centred early childhood centre catering for 35 children per session, aged 2-5 years, giving parents the option of either full days, sessional enrolments or a combination of both.
We provide the vital beginning of a child’s formal education, which can be continued through the Primary departments of Westminster Christian School. Being a Christian preschool, everything is taught from a biblical perspective. This means we teach biblical truths and morals, because we believe the Bible to be God’s written word, to all people everywhere, in every generation.
At Hidden Treasures ELC we believe that each child is beautiful, special and made in God’s image. We believe that all children are capable and competent learners, and that they all learn in their own ways and at their own pace, through a balance of free play and structured experiences. We provide a broad curriculum that supports children’s holistic development as they grow spiritually, intellectually, emotionally, socially and physically, using the national ECE curriculum Te Whāriki to drive children’s learning.
We are passionate about working in partnership with whanau (families) as our team seeks to demonstrate God’s love to tamariki (children) by providing high standards of care and education. We seek to create an environment where each child is accepted and valued as an individual, secure in who God made them to be. We recognise the culture of each child, and believe that children learn best when their language, identity and culture are affirmed.
We believe that children flourish when in a relationship with Jesus, and as such provide prayer and praise as a part of the daily programme, as well as weaving our Christian faith throughout our curriculum and in a nurturing, stimulating environment.
Our learning priorities for children during their time here at preschool are that they will:
- Grow in their relationship with God
- Care for God’s beautiful creation
- Show God’s love to one another
To that end, some of the learning dispositions that we seek to foster in children are the ‘Fruit of the Spirit’ – love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control
We are open Monday – Friday, during primary school terms.
Full Day Session : 8:30am-3:30pm (full day)
ERO Report
Should you wish to view our latest Education Review Report, please click here.
Contact Information
Supervisor: Mrs Karin Herbst
Phone: +64 9 444 1906
Email: westminsterpreschool@xtra.co.nz
Enrolment Form
You can download our Enrolment Form here.
We look forward to getting to know you, your child and your family, and working together to help your child develop, grow, learn, laugh and make friendships!