

** Please note we are at our maximum capacity and will not be taking any further enrolments 2024. **


Education is an investment in your child’s future. At Westminster we are conscious of the trust you are placing in us. We will seek to support you in developing your child’s values and critical thinking skills around a Biblical World view. We will encourage self-responsibility for learning and excellence in all areas of work, taking into account your child’s abilities and learning style. Our aim is to help prepare your child to be a responsible steward of their gifts and talents in the world.

Our enrolment process requires completion of the enrolment pack below. Please ensure these forms are completed and returned to the school office (in person or by email), upon receipt of which you will be invited to an interview with our Principal and a member of the Board of Proprietors where we can answer any questions you may have of the school as well as discuss the availability of places which we have available at the year levels required.

Our prospectus and enrolment forms can be downloaded here:

Should you require further information about our enrolment process, please contact us.